East Coast Rapper, L-Bizzel releases his debut single, "Informant" on Digital Platforms
Long Island, NY entrepreneur, L-Bizzel was born in 1985 with music in his heart. He discovered his love for music at an early age while walking and freestyling from a friend's house. As he started to do it more often, Bizzel realized that this is a great outlet for channeling his emotions. Eventually, when he was 16, Bizzel, while in a cypher, was told that he should start recording his rhymes. Being hard on himself, he didn't think his rhymes were good enough. So, he begins to put his pen to paper in his basement with just a karaoke machine, keyboard, and his mother's cassette tapes. After he finished his session, he would play it back, listen to his verses a couple of times to see what he was missing. The young Bizzel was his own harshest critic, so he would go back and rethink the process. Even at that young of an age, he had an ear for music.
During L-Bizzel's adult years, he took the time to fully embark on his music career. He made the harsh decision to learn from no one and chose a select few people to educate him on the process of how to mix, master, and record music. Additionally, on how to make video production, promotion, and graphic designs.
Unwilling to give up, L-Bizzel was able to grow and establish connections with various outlets. His endeavors include, but not limited to; being known and accepted as a hip hop entrepreneur, but to be embraced by all its historical influences along the journey, StreetHeat steps into the light allowing him to further learn certain ways of the music industries. Honestly, Bizzel is proud of his drive and ability to want more in this music world.
Stay in tune with L-Bizzel by connecting on social media and checking out his music on all available digital outlets.