[MUSIC] GOLDEN- "GOLDEN-ZONE"| @Haterzjustdoit

Southern Artist, Golden captures his listeners with his single "Golden- Zone"

The underground artist named Golden is from Birmingham Alabama with a Toronto-based sound. Coming from poverty with an absent father and mother, he grows up moving between Chicago, Atlanta, and his native land. Never spending much time anywhere hinders him from establishing real relationships. Most life events pertaining to his relocations are short term and translates into his relationships now. He has never been able to give any lady, all he can, in fear that it will all just up and disappear when he gets comfortable. 

Golden has very few friends due to causing much trouble in his younger life. In pursuit of respect, he wouldn't get due to wearing the same clothes and never having money or anything his peers had, which he turned to violence to do so. He thought, if they wouldn't respect him, they would fear him. Due to abusive siblings and poor parenting, his emotional trauma has bled into his adult life. Trusting no one and very few people in his reclusive circle numb him to desire any relationship with anyone and even still distrusting his closest friends with the deep truth that everyone is temporary. Creative expression has been the only permanent force he has known to have never left him. Golden uses music as an outlet to express his pain and make a better life for himself and the people around him. Be sure to connect with him on all social media and digital music platforms.


IG/ Twitter: Haterzjustdoit

SoundCloud: Golden

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